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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Microsoft Project Server 2010 Project Manager's Guide for PWA

Great news for all of you Project Server consultants/users/administrators - Microsoft Project Server 2010 Project Manager's Guide for PWA is out now. You can find the details and download link from here:

The Microsoft Project Server 2010 Project Manager's Guide for Project Web App provides detailed information about how to use Microsoft Project Web App (PWA) to work with Microsoft Project Server 2010 data and to perform project management-related tasks. This guide helps project managers in your organization to better understand elements of project management in PWA, such as projects, resources, tasks, approvals, updates, and notifications. It includes many step-by-step procedures and accompanying user-interface screen shots of Project Web App. It is important to note that although Microsoft Project Professional 2010 can be used with Project Server 2010 to perform many project management tasks, this guide only covers procedures done through PWA.

Until next time, have fun downloading guide.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Virtual Migration Environment for Project Server 2010 Issue

While migrating Project Server 2003 data to Project Server 2010, since it cannot be done direclty, i had to use Project Server 2007 environment as an intermediate step. For this Microsoft has provided a Project Server 2007 Hyper-V Virtual Migration Envrionment with all the data migration scripts pre-loaded on the VM. This all makes life prety easier in terms that you dont have to be worried about such issues of preparing a VM with Project Server 2007 etc. etc.

The reason i am writing this blog is the issue you will come across when you will provision your PWA 2007 first time using the migrated DBs, you click on Project Center to witness if all your hard work has paid off and BINGO - nothing appears there :(  You can check Resource center and similar message waiting for you there as well and no resource data appears in the grid.

How to resolve this? quite simpe actually, Dynamic Content Compression must be disabled in Internet Informtion System. It is on by default in Windows Server 2008 R2, having dynamic content compression enabled can cause issues if you need to make corrective changes to your Project Server 2007 data in the VME (specifically issues with project/resource center grid, editing custom fields and resources).

To disable Dynamic Content Compression, follow the steps in VME:

1. On the Project Server VME, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2.  In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, in the Connection Pane select VME (VME\Administrator).

3.  In the VME Home pane, in the IIS section, click Compression.
4.  In the Compression section, deselect Enable dynamic content compression to disable it.

5.  In the Actions pane, click Apply to save the change. The Alert “The changes have been successfully saved” displays if the change has been applied successfully.

6.  Close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

This is all guys, hope this helps some of you - happy migrating, cheers.

MS Project and Project Server 2010 Dec CU

The December Cumulative Updates (CU) for Project and Project Server 2010 and 2007 have been released.  Details can be found on Brian Smith's blog, update contains number of fixes of Project Server and Project both so better run the CU on test environment prior to deploy on production.

You can also join in January the TechNet webcast covering both Project Server 2010 and Project Server 2007 Dec CU.

Happy patching.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

MS Project and MS Project Server 2010 OCT CU

The October 2011 Cumulative Updates for Microsoft Project and Project Server 2010 have now been released. The 2007 Server packages that were withdrawn for a short period are now re-built and available. For details you can visit Brian Smith blog where all the links of the server roll-up packages are also available.

As Project Server 2010 is now based on SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft strongly recommend that you install the Project Server 2010 Server Rollup Package as there are a large number of individual server packages for SharePoint Server. The Project Server 2010 Server Rollup Package contains all the patches released in this Cumulative Update for SharePoint Foundation Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2010 and Project Server 2010.

And last, always try the updates on the test environment first, untill then happy patching.

Preparing Hyper-V VM with Project Server 2010 Demo Pack

Recently i was preparing my new laptop to run the Project Server 2010 Hyper-V VM and i came across few issue while setting up my machine to run VM. Although its been long since the Information Worker VM and Project 2010 pack is out for MS Partners and Customers to evaluate and for demo purposes, but thought that its a good idea to put all the bits together for others reference again.

To run the MS Hyper-V VM you need to have the Virtualization enabled system to support the Hyper-V functionality, and the Hyper-V manager is only available on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 so far. But the good news is that it will be availabe on Windows 8 platform, so you dont have to prepare the dual boot system, but till then install the Windows 7 on your C drive and install the Windows Server 2008 on seperate drive (C or E or etc.) to have the dual boot option. There are lot of material available over the web related to the dual boot, you can go through this for your reference. There is also an excellent blog posted by Jan Kalis some time back about useful tips for Demo here.

While installing and running the Windows Server 2008 R2 for the first time, when you open the Server Manager to enable the Hyper-V role or any other role you might come across this issue:
  • roles and features are not displayed with a yellow bang against them in the Server Manager window. You receive the following error message at the bottom of the Server manager if you try to open it:
    • Server Manager
    • Unexpected error refreshing Server Manager: The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
For more information, see the event log: Diagnostics, Event Viewer, Applications and Services Logs, Microsoft, Windows, Server Manager, Operational.
At the same time, the event below is added into the Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager/Operational log:

  • Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager/Operational
  • Source: Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager
  • Date: <date & time>
  • Event ID: 1601
  • Task Category: None
  • Level: Error
  • Keywords:
  • User: <user name>
  • Computer: <computer name>
  • Description:
  • Could not discover the state of the system. An unexpected exception was found:
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BE): The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
  • at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ComponentInstaller.CreateSessionAndPackage(IntPtr& session, IntPtr& package)
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ComponentInstaller.InitializeUpdateInfo()
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ComponentInstaller.Initialize()
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Common.Provider.RefreshDiscovery()
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.LocalResult.PerformDiscovery()
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ServerManagerModel.CreateLocalResult(RefreshType refreshType)
  • at Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ServerManagerModel.InternalRefreshModelResult(Object state
Here is the Microsoft support article to resolve the issue, the only point you have to be careful about is the drive letter to access the folder mentioned in this article. The common mistake you can do is to use C drive, although most likely you have windows 7 on your Drive C and Windows Server on Drive D or E may be. So be careful else you will end up finding nothing and this will increase your frustation :)

Now once done with this, enable the Hyper-V role and follow the VM Setup Guide that consist of all the details of how to set-up your information worker VM to start the for first time. Assuming you have successfully import the VM to Hyper-V manager and managed to start, now its the Project 2010 Demo pack you have to install now. On the surface the demo pack appears to install without issue.

Installation Complete

But when you try to navigate to you get the dreaded ‘An unexpected error has occurred’.

An Unexpected Error has occurred

On navigating the Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Service Applications > Project Server Service Application and checking the provisioned Project sites, it appears that no Project Server Web App sites have been provisioned, even though the demo installer reported it was successful.

No Project instances provisioned

It seems that the installer runs into an issue when the underlying demo VM has either expired or was not activated prior to installing the Project Demo and Eval pack. Luckily, fixing the problem couldn’t be simpler.

Firstly, follow the instructions in VM Setup Guide to activate the VM. To Activate the Virtual Machine an internet connection is required.  To do this, add a second NIC to the VM using the Hyper-V management console & connect it to an external network connection that has internet access.  Activate Windows from within the VM.  Windows will still expire after 180 days, but it will not prompt for activation or shut down after 2 hours.

Once the VM has been activated, you should see the following.

Activation Successful

As the demo installer has done most of the hard work, including restoring the various databases, creating the web application and configuring things like the Secure Store and Excel Services, all that is remaining is to (re)provision the Project Web App site using the restored databases. To do so, navigate to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Service Applications > Project Server Service Application and choose to ‘Create a Project Web App Site’.

In the web page, choose the ‘project’ web application to host the Project Web App as per below.

Project Web App - Configuration 1

Then enter the names of the databases that were previously restored as per below and click on ok.

Project Web App - Configuration 2

After a short while the Project Web App site will provision and will be accessible without the dreaded ‘An unexpected error has occurred’.

Happy evaluating :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My View: Project 2010 & Project Server 2010 Certifications

This post was long been pending from my side, recently i have passed the following Project 2010 and Project Server 2010 exams and would like to share my experience and tips to prepare for the exams:

Although i was slightly late to attempt for these exams, but i always appriciate the benefit of being certified in the practising technology and domain. And i belive that being certified helps you gains employer confidence, and validate, your product knowledge.

So few tips for anyone of you out there who wants to attempt for the exam. There are certain knowledge areas related to each of the above mentioned exams, and if you validate your knowledge against those topics can help you pass the exam. For me Project 2010, Managing Projects were relatively more diffcult than Project Server 2010 exam, but for you it could be other way around. So here are few points you can consider while preparing For Project 2010, Managing Projects:

  1. Expect lot of questions related to the new features of Project 2010. Trust me if you know this good, more chances are that you pass the exam.
  2. Understand the positions of features and options on a new Office Ribbon User Interface.
  3. Knows the use of the new and old features of Project 2010 well. Now this is important, if you do not use Project in your everyday routine you might face some difficulty in this area.
  4. Understand the Task Types and their impact to a task's work, duration and resource assignment when one of these changes.

The way i have practised and prepared for the exams was: i have looked into the domain areas of the exam mentioned on the Microsoft Learning site under this particular exam page and verified my knowledge related to these skills. And i have used this book to study, Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step. Its an easy to read and good to start with if you are beginner user of Project 2010. You might can find training classes or material based on the area you are located.

The Project Server 2010 exam, 70-177, covers the configuration areas of the product. You can also get scneario based question and asked for your expert opinion about the next step you should take. Unlike Project 2010 exam there are no such area from where you get the most of the questions. The best way to prepare for this exam is to go through the official skills measure page of the exam and verify your preparation. The number of questions from each skill area is based on the percentage mentioned for that area, and that is almost equal.

Please feel free to ask for any help related to the exams, be aware that these are the only two exams released so far for EPM 2010. For those who are planning to attempt the exam, I wish you good luck.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

August CU for Project and Project Server 2010

The August 2011 Cumulative Updates for Microsoft Project and Project Server 2010 have now been released. However there is a delay in server roll-up package due to late issue identified with the Sharepoint Foundation CU, and thus delays the release of the server roll-up packages. The server rollup patch is the preferred patch because it contains the fixes for all of the server technologies used by Project Server 2010. 

This delay does not affect the August 2011 Cumulative Update for Project and Project Server 2007.

Description of the fixes and and to download individual server package of Project Server 2010 can be found at the following link:

Individual Project Server Package:

For Project 2010 hotfix package:

My advice, as always, is to test any CUs with a recent copy of your production database before deploying into production to prevent issues with your production server.

For more details, visit Brian Smith blog.

Happy patching.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tech-Ed Australia 2011

Tech-Ed Australia 2011 is live now, from 30th Aug - 2nd Sept 2011. And I would like to take this opportunity to spread the word about our fellow EPM Consultant and MVP, Alexander Burton, Tech-Ed Australia 2011 sessions. He will be taking part in following two sessions:

The Sharepoint Developers Guide to Project Server 2010

It’s just meant to be – Project Server and SharePoint server are better together, and this is the session that will show you why. Come and join us as we take you on a tour showing how the two products work together, and how you can deliver better solutions by integrating the two. Get to know how developers can leverage both of these great tools together and how you can deliver more value, what the features of the tools can offer and what you need to know as a developer to start solving real world business problems.

Ask a SharePoint expert Q/A panel

Join the SharePoint End / Business user ‘experts Alexander Burton. Dan Holme, Ben Walters & Bhavik Merchant for a open forum Q&A panel in the SharePoint Interactive Theatre in the Expo hall, sponsored by AvePoint.

More over videos of the session shall be available online after the event here, I hope those who attend will have some great time. Good luck.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Project Server 2010 JUN CU Issue to Multi-Lingual Deployments

For those who are working with the Project Server 2010 multi-lingual implementations, please be aware of a recently discovered issue after the June CU and SP1 have been installed.  It would appear that we have a bug whereas all column headers in the Project Center and Resource Center grids appear in English, regardless of the selected UI language.  The issue appears to be related to the June CU, as an SP1 / SP1 language pack environment (without the June CU) does not display the problem.

Since there is no solution to avoid this so far, you can opt for one of the listed options below. This is basically to bring the importance of the issue to MS notice, because usually the MS time to resolve such issues based on its severity and wide impact to the users.

  1. There is a thread already posted on official Project Server forums, you can go and leave your feedback here.
  2. You can log your issue at 
  3. You can leave the comment on this blog post, OR send me an email through my blog "send me an email" option and i will forward your feedback to the related MS person. 

All the credit goes to the Quint Mouthaan to notifying the users about this issue on Project Server Forums, and also allowing me to post this on my blog to spread the word as much as possible.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Project Server 2010 and MS Dynamics AX 2012 better together

This is to announce the release of new White Paper explaining the integration of Project Server 2010 with Dynamics AX 2012 Financial and Project module. You can download the document from here.

This document explains the integration architecture for The Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Project Server 2010 and provides instructions for setting up integration between the two programs. By setting up integration between the two products, project managers can create projects in either of the products and synchronize project data between them. This solution enables you to draw on both the core project management capabilities in Project Server 2010 and the financial management capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

You can also go through this document to know more about New, Changed and Depreceated features for the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2010 here. This document provides a summary of new and changed features that are planned to be implemented in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Additionally, it provides deprecated feature notices for features which are planned to be removed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 or future releases.

Hope this excites you a bit :)
Leave comments if you think this post helps you by any means.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Using Content Type to Hide Default Issue/Risk columns from Input Form

In my previous blog, Create/Manage Issue/Risk list centrally, i talked about How to create and manage Issue list centrally and how it helps the administrator to save lot of unwanted work. In this post i will explain another one of the great advantage you could achieve if you use content type to manage the lists. One of the frequently recieved clients request is: How to hide/remove default Issue/Risks columns from the Project site? Now you might wondering that what is so difficult about this :) but this is a tricky part, because removing/changing the default Issue/Risk list columns can cause you lot of trouble. But the good news is that you can do this without any issues if you are using content type, below are the steps for you:

1. Create Issue list content type, please follow my previous blog to create the content type.
2. Once created, go back to the list settings, and click on content type:

3. Here you will see all the default and custom columns we have added in the content type earlier, click on the one you want to hide from the form, in my case i will click on the "category" column:

4. And there you can set it to Hidden from the column settings:

And if you can now go and add new item to the Issue list, you will notice that category column appears no more on the form to bother the users. 

This is to update that there is an exception to the above process, i.e. hiding any of the default fields of Issues/Risks list available on project site. That even hiding of some fields can result in queue error, to be precise its the Links column available on these sites. Hiding this column cause queue error similar to the deletion of columns, so you need to leave this column as is in order to avoid queue errors.

Thanks to Dan Stopher, of EPM Partners, for finding this culprit :) Please see his blog for more details about the exception.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Create/Manage Issue/Risk List Centrally using Content Type - Part 1

This is sort of a refresher blog, posted originally sometime back by fellow consultant and Project MVP Andrew Lavinsky and which you can find it here. In this blog i will define the Content type and its uses in two parts, that is how to manage the Project site metadata centrally. And how to hide the default not required columns from the Issue/Risk forms without breaking the sync, since you might already aware that the out of the box fields of Risk/Issue list cannot be removed/changed else you will end up with a mess.

So in this first part, i will define how to create/manage centrally Issue and Risk list metadata using Content types. And this procedure is applicable to both versions, i.e. Project Server 2007 and Project Server 2010.

You can define Content types to organize, manage, and handle content in a consistent way across a site collection within a Sharepoint farm. So basically you can create a content type for Issue or Risk list, and can control the list metadata from a central interface, any changes i will do can be trickle down to the existing or the newly created Project Sites. Changes in the Issue/Risk list could be quite often and this can save the life of poor system administrator as the administrator don't have to do the changes in every project site, he can manage the changes from the central location. 

Next i will create list content type for Project Site Issues list, and will walk you through the steps to define and manage the content type. Please be aware that in a similar fashion, content type can be created for Risk, project documents etc. etc. 

1. Create content type on the top level site in site collection, i.e. PWA. Go to Site Settings, Under the section galleries click Site Content Type:

2. Select create button:

3. Name the content type as Project Issue, select the type as List content type and i prefer to categorize the content types in their relevant group to make it easier to find later:

4. This will redirect you to the configuration page, from here you can create all the required data:

5. I will create Issue Number field for demonstration purposes only:

The content type for Issue list is created, ideally i should incorporate this content type to the Project site template but for the demonstration purposes i will just add this to one of my existing project site.

6. Open the Project Site, click on Issues lists and select list settings:

7. From there, select Advanced Settings:

8. Set the list to allow the Management of Content Type:

 9. After the changes are applied, you will be back to the settings page where you can see that Project Issue content type is already deployed:

10. From here, add new content type:

11. Once done, you can now set the newly added content type as the default one to be used. You can also keep more than one Issue tracking list based on different methodology from here:

12. You can now add all the list columns to this new content type. Go to the list settings, and click on the new Project Issue content type:

13. Select from the available columns box and add them all:

That's it, we are all done and set to use our centrally created content type Project Issue list. To verify this, create new Issue by clicking on Add new item:

And you must see on the form the column i have created, it automatically picks up any column you create in future and saves you the hassle of adding new column while browsing to the every project site. 

In my next post i will show the steps to achieve one of the most received request from the clients, that is to hide some of the default columns from the form. You might already aware that we cannot simply delete/modify the default Issue/Risk columns in order to remove them from the form, as it will break the synchronization. But the good news is that you can hide those not required default columns from the form without deleting them, yes you heard it rite without delete :). And that you can only do if you use the content type. 

Any comments/appreciation is widely welcome as usual.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Project Server 2010 - Resource Picker on PDP

Recently I came across a customer request that: How to select a resource from Project server  group by the Project Manager, or have resource picker web-part,  in the Project Detail Page (PDP)? I stumble upon this query and thought I should write a detail blog because the answer is that there is no OOB way of achieving this. - surprised!

Now you might can see this as one of the very common request, where the user has to mention the Project stakeholder or Project sponsor details on project detail page for reporting purposes. Your first guess might be to use the project owner web part for such purpose, but soon you will realize that its one of the default system behaviour and you cannot utilize owner field for anything else but to define the owner of the project. Moreover the irony is that there is no resource picker webpart available for such requirement as well. So how to collect Project Sponsor information? One way, or the easiest way, could be to create a enterprise custom project text field for the PDP and capture the information in plain text format. But this doesn't sound very attractive, isn't it? 

So in this blog I will show you the usage of Project Server solution starter called Autocomplete web part,  that kind of meet this requirement. 

1. Download the latest version of Solution starter from here.
2. UnZip the PDPCustomizaton folder
3. Go to the Deployment folder and edit the deploy.bat file and set the URL with your PWA URL.
Although the Readme document file comprises of steps to deploy the webpart is already there, but for the sake of putting everything in one place i am mentioning the deployment steps also.

4. Run command prompt as an administrator and execute Deploy.bat.

5. Once successfully deployed and activated you can then go to the server settings, create enterprise project custom field single line text called "Project Sponosor'", and click project detail pages section of PWA.

6. Click on the name of new project Project detail page to edit

7. Click Add web part, and select PDP Customization -> Autocomplete web part and click Add button.

8. Edit web part setting by clicking Edit Web Part. Select the enterprise project custom field of PDP you want to appear as resource picker and select the group from where you want to select the resource for that custom field.

9. When done apply the changes to the project detail page and stop editing. Now open the page and you will see the Project Sponsor field with the picker icon next to it. Click on the icon will allow you to select from the group's resources as Project Sponsor.

At run time the web-part changes the behavior of project custom field to appear just like a resource picker would, and allowing the user to select the resource from the group that will then save in the project custom text field.

This is one easy way of achieving the desired requirement, however the option of developing a custom web-part to achieve this is always available. Hope to see some comments if this helps you by any means.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Project Server 2010 SP1 Download available!

Microsoft Project Server 2010 SP1 is now available to download.

Microsoft Project Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) provides the latest updates for Project Server 2010. 
This service pack includes two main categories of fixes:
  • Previously unreleased fixes that were made specifically for this service pack. In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and in security.
  • All the public updates that were released through June 2011, and all the cumulative updates that were released through April 2011.
You can go download this workbook to browse the complete list of fixes this SP1 provides to Project Server. Just for reminder that the webcast covers the details of the SP1 is on 6th July, those interested to attend can register here.

happy downloading and patching, and do share you comments regarding the release and experience.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gartner rating for MS EPM

Some more good news for the enterprises seeking to have the best Project Portfolio management solution to help the business processes.  Microsoft EPM received the highest rating possible in the recently released Gartner Project and Portfolio Applications MarketScope.

The MarketScope is an evaluation of a marketplace at and for a specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in the MarketScope, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest rating. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This MarketScope graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report

You can visit gartner Marketscope Project and Portfolio Management  site for more details.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Project Server 2010 Collaboration - Sync of excel data with List (both directions)

One of the 'great' advantages of having Enterprise Project Management solution in-place is to have effective ways of information sharing between the Project team members. Being developed on top of the sharepoint architecture, it already inherits all the sharepoint features and options to leverage Project team members to help them collaborate in better ways.

Often i came across to the clients ultimate wish out of the solution is to have impressive/color-ful/state-of-the-art reporting to please the higher-ups. And what bothers me more is the kool after-thought response of the users related to the adaptability planning of the solution. Because a Project Management solution is a cultural change, at least I think like this, and the project to roll-out such cultural change can never be a success unless the adaptability plan would be ready upfront.

I usually present Enterprise Project Management Solution to my clients/users/customers divided as 4 pillars. And one of the most overlooked pillar, in my experience, is the Collaboration part of the solution.

I will touch the Collaboration part a little in this post, since its a huge domain to cover, in terms of features the product offers, the usability etc. etc. I have always been a vocal supporter of the use of excel sheet, for various stuff, in parallel while managing Projects. My focus in this post would be on how effectively the whole office suite can work together to enhance the project teams information sharing effort. And to be more precise about the post topic, I would explain how to create and sycn excel spreadsheet with SharePoint site in both ways, i.e. from spreadsheet to SharePoint list and from SharePoint list to excel spreadsheet.

In excel 2010 the capability to synchronize spreadsheet with sharepoint list is not available, yes unfortunately this is the fact of life :),  so we have to go little over the top to cover this deficiency of the excel 2010.
  • Download and install: Excel 2007 add-in: Synchronizing tables with Sharepoint lists.

  • Create or open excel spreadsheet, make sure if you open a saved file it must be .xls
  • Create an excel table

  • from the ribbon menu, select Design tab, and click Publish and allow sync

  • enter the sharepoint site name

  • click publish, and the table will be published on the sharepoint list with all the data you have just feed-in.

I can hear some WOWs .... :), but this is not it. you can also change the data of the same list and sync it back with your spreadsheet.
  • change some data in the list, eg. insert few more rows

  • go back to the spreadsheet, rite click on the table, select table option and click on synchronize with SharePoint.

and there you go, your data is synchronized in both directions. 

Office suite together with Project Server can help enterprise to execute the business smoothly and effectively. There could be many scenarios where the above solution can help the Project team save time and effort.

Happy synchronizing, and as usual you value-able feedback is always welcome.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Project Server 2010 - Another great SP1 feature

June is here and so is the Project Server 2010 SP1 release date :)

Just want to share with you another one of the great feature you can look for in SP, and that is to 'Automatically Publish the updates' to the projects. SP1 can let you set the option of publishing the updates to the projects automatically if the update qualifies to one of your rules. In past, I have developed a custom utility for one of my client who need to bulk publish the changes to the project so that the PM do not follow this step as part of the updates to the project. And i can see this option now as of a great use to such requirements, for more details you can see the Christophe's blog about this.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Project Server 2010 - I like it and Tags & Notes

I came across this query from one of my customer, and i think its a good share since i cannot see much about this in case of Project Server. As we all are already aware that Project Server 2010 is build on top of Sharepoint 2010, and in sharepoint 2010 some improved and enhanced user colloboration features were introduced. 'I Like it' and 'Tags and Notes' are to name a few, they can provide you facebook etc. sort of social communication capabilities while staying in the sharepoint portal. Since it appears in Project Server Project Web App that is users home page automatically as part of the sharepoint feature, it would not be very unlikely that your users wants it to be removed from the PWA.

The question was: How can we remove this from the PWA?

The solution is to deactivate the feature from the farm and it will disappear from the PWA page. Open Central Administration, go to the System settings and click Manage Farm Features

Scroll the page and look for the feature: Social Tags and Note Board Ribbon Controls and deactivate the feature.

And this will remove the feature from your PWA page.

Keep checking the blog as i might write about the use of the these features in details in my next post. Also If this helps you, please feel more than welcome to share or leave your coments on the page.
